It is crucial for mobile phone users to have a battery that can withstand a few days of usage without compromising the launch of applications or the use of all features. Modern mobile phones are designed to optimize energy consumption and maximize the limited battery capacity to achieve the best results. Although physical limitations prevent the incorporation of larger batteries into mobile phones, we can improve the process and technology to produce cells with higher energy density in the same volume. Additionally, reducing the consumption of all circuits in the mobile phone and maximizing energy utilization is a priority.

Here are some tips on how to extend the battery life of existing mobile devices:

  • Installing the latest software operating system can maximize the performance of the device, leading to better battery life.

  • Using the original charger that comes with the phone is preferable as the quality of the charger can play a vital role in the battery life.

  • Shutting down background processes and closing applications that are not in use for a short period can help extend battery life.

  • The LCD is the biggest energy consumer in modern mobile phones, and optimizing the backlight settings can significantly reduce power consumption. Manufacturers are attempting to produce display modules with superb display color, contrast, and brightness, which are visible in daylight with minimal energy consumption.

  • When using WI-FI networks, being as close as possible to the router or WI-FI hotspot ensures greater signal transmission speed with minimal energy consumption.

  • Using the device in high or very low temperature conditions can reduce battery life and decrease battery efficiency. Emptying the battery up to 0% and overcharging it to 100% can also reduce battery life.